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Laundry Powder6/20/2022 I have a quick and easy post for you today: DIY laundry powder. Making your own laundry powder is so simple. It takes 5 minutes! WHY DO I WANT TO MAKE MY OWN LAUNDRY POWDER? I’m so glad you asked! Here are my top 3 reasons!
We already mentioned easy so we’ll move on to the frugal part. You’ll save quite a bit of money making your own versus buying detergent at the store and you only need to use two tablespoons per load. It’s literally pennies on the dollar! Conventional laundry products are full of chemical fragrances. They contain chemicals to get the dirt out of your clothes, and more chemicals to keep the dirt from sticking back onto your clothes in the rinse cycle. That’s just the tip of the iceberg and don’t even get me started on Dreft for babies. What a load of marketing that product is! Oy! Here’s what you need:
Have fun and enjoy! Do you make laundry powder? Is your recipe similar? |